
Get a FREE Sample of Catalina Crunch

Get Your Free Catalina Crunch Sample with Alexa!

Have you ever wished getting free samples was as simple as just asking for them? Well, with Alexa, it is! Simply say, “Ask Send Me a Sample for Catalina Crunch”, and a delightful pack of Catalina Crunch will be on its way to your door.

How Does It Work?

  1. Set Up: Start by registering for a ‘Send Me a Sample’ account via the Amazon Alexa app. Fill out the required fields and don’t forget to confirm your email address.
  2. Voice Command: Once set up, activate your voice assistant and say, “Ask Send Me a Sample for Catalina Crunch”. Just like magic, your request will be processed.
  3. No Hidden Fees: The best part? All postage costs are covered. You don’t have to spend a single penny.

Need-to-Know Info

  • We’ve got a total of 6,250 Catalina Crunch samples up for grabs.
  • Keep it fair: It’s one sample per ‘Send Me a Sample’ user and one per physical address.
  • Act fast, because the campaign runs until all 6,250 samples are claimed.

Why Wait? Ask Alexa Now!

If you’ve been curious about Catalina Crunch or just love a good freebie, don’t wait. Ask Alexa and get your free sample before they’re all gone!

Ask Alexa for Your Catalina Crunch Sample Today!

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