Possible Free Chomps Meat Sticks If Game Score Is 10 to 12 At Any Point

This is a fun freebie offer where you could win a free 10 pack of Chomps Meat Sticks if the Super Bowl score today is 10 to 12 at any point during the game.
1. Sign up on the promotion page here. You will have to opt in for SMS messages to be eligible.
2. Watch the game today and cheer for the score to reach 10 to 12 at some point.
3. If the score lands on 10 to 12, you will receive a unique offer code and a link to claim your free 10-pack of Chomps Meat Sticks.
2. Watch the game today and cheer for the score to reach 10 to 12 at some point.
3. If the score lands on 10 to 12, you will receive a unique offer code and a link to claim your free 10-pack of Chomps Meat Sticks.
This offer from Chomps introduces a clever twist to the traditional freebie offer and is as good a reason as any to enjoy today’s exciting game between the Chiefs and the 49ers.